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Kathleen Ivanoff

Pray Us Full of Marrow, Queen of Heaven

(a cento (collage) poem I sourced from Thomas Merton’s Marian Poems

Do not be troubled at the judgments of thunder,

in smiles of blood

at the world's rim.

Angels bow down like bells, Angels look up like toys.

She blesses our roofs and eaves, our shutters, lattices and sills.

Hers were the eyes that saw a star-sandalled stranger walk

like lightning down the air.

Rays of the mountain sun

silver as felicity, working and quiet

in the dancelight of an everlasting arrow.

To die like glass, by light.

This is the geometry of my cross:

nails of light

in rooms charmed with sun.

And perhaps she is in infinite light, unmanifest - not even waiting to be known as Light.

Obvious and unseen,

She is in all things, like air receiving sunlight.

Lady, why are your clothes like sails?

With feathers for sleeves,

whose arms are birds

and a mouth of great fire and lights instead of words.

Flocks feed darkness with a noise of whispers,

and tell their blessings to the distance.

How do you see her in the eyeless dark? What secret syllable

Woke your young faith to the mad truth?

My glances are as good as wine

Bellsong falls out with a sound of glass

and makes your shadows palaces of moving light.

Five angels beating bongos

Seven saints ringing their bells,

with shoes made out of shells that clatter like a box of nickels;

lugging gleaming buckets

of copper sunset –

Sentry at the rim of winter.

In the fiery dark, you quiet meteors,

and show me your flowers:

The muted lakes, the cloudy groves.

Pray us full of marrow, Queen of Heaven!

Moonlight rings upon the ice.

It is like all minds coming back together into awareness from all distractions, cross-purposes and confusions, into unity of love.

Newly confronting reality and finding it to be gentleness.

Out of the silence, Light is spoken.

Lights fly like birds behind the cane.

Light falls as fair as lyres, beamy between the branches. Plays like an angel on the mill-dam, where the lazy stream Suddenly turns to clouds of song and rain.

The skies speed up to meet you, and the seas swim you the silver of their crests.

The chiming suns

shine you up

showing your blue tongue.

You intercom

Moth Mother Kali

stained with the grey-green aftermoss of monsoons.

Rich in skeletons and buffets

in a trance of drums

sitting with red headlight between eyebrows.

The white stars talk together like sisters

from the drowned shores from the sands and the lavender water

the wine smelling yards and low cellars.

Lady, the night has got us by the heart And the whole world is tumbling down. Words turn to ice in my dry throat

and there is a sudden grin of fire.

Yet suddenly we find ourselves assembled - cured and recollected under several green trees.

A girl prays by the bare wall

between the lamp and the chair.

Her eyes as grey as doves,

flowers printed on her dress

sometimes a crown.

Her light steps lay on the paving

like leaves of gold.


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